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Victoria Blade and the Sharp Shooters Find Paradise on "Cambria"

Apr 04, 2023Apr 04, 2023

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by Jacob Uitti May 16, 2023, 9:30 am

Victoria Blade is, to quote a phrase, everything everywhere all at once.

The songwriter, performer and acclaimed actor is balancing more plates than a Crate & Barrel.

Blade, who has appeared on popular shows like WandaVision and Swarm, in the past few years is also a breakout songwriter, as evidenced by her latest single, "Cambria," with her band the Sharp Shooters. The song, which American Songwriter premieres below, is about feeling a sense of breezy freedom, explains Blade.

"‘Cambria’ is about getting away from everything," she says. "The simplicity of life when you’re on a getaway and enjoying the company of a best friend. I think the track really accomplishes exactly what I hoped for. There definitely a sweetness and joy that's developed in my life that you can hear in the song."

The origin of the song begins with a bit of paradise—by accident. Then it led to home.

"My husband and I ended up at this seaside inn sort of randomly on a road trip years ago," says Blade. "We had toured the Hearst Castle that day and we were like, ‘Shit, the sun's going down, we need a place to crash.’ We ended up falling for this little town, Cambria, on the central coast and have since taken lots of trips there. It was part of us falling in love with California and eventually led to us moving here and writing the song."

As far as her other endeavors go, Blade remains busy.

"I recently celebrated the world premiere of Swarm at my very first SXSW," she adds. "I’m in episode four of the new Amazon show alongside Billie Eilish and Dominique Fishback. It was such a blast to support both of those amazing women and watch the world react to the show. I’m super proud of our episode ‘Running Scared.’ We shot it all on film and I think very highly of everyone involved. I’m proud to be a part of something so wild and funny and challenging."

Check out the new song from Victoria Blade and the Sharp Shooters featuring Alex Lubeck on drums and Douglas Guttenberger on lead guitar below.

Photo by Kalelover / Courtesy Victoria Blade

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